Host Institution
The SwiSCI Study Center is located at Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPR) in Nottwil. Leaders of SPR are Prof. Dr. Gerold Stucki as director since 2005 and Mirjam Brach as research manager since 2006.
Steering Committee
The steering committee is the highest decision making board of SwiSCI involving all partners of the study. Main functions are 1.) monitoring the study process and study aims, 2.) strategic decisions 3.) approval of study documents and project applications. The steering committee meets biannual. Prof. Dr. Gerold Stucki is chair of the steering committee.
Collaboration Partners
The non-profit association ParaHelp supports paraplegics as well as people with neurologically caused paralysis conditions. ParaHelp plays an important role as an outpatient counseling service in the context of holistic rehabilitation for persons with spinal cord injury and their relatives.
University Hospital Balgrist
The University Hospital Balgrist is a private, highly specialized competence centre for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of all damage to the musculoskeletal system. The paraplegic centre of the University hospital guarantees paraplegic people a comprehensive care from first care to long-term rehabilitation.
Clinique Romande de Réadaptation
With its unique range of services- prevention, insurance and rehabilitation- the Suva offers the insured person a comprehensive health protection. In its own clinics, one of the major concerns is the rehabilitation of people who had an accident.
The REHAB Basel is a centre for highly specialized treatment and rehabilitation of paraplegic or brain injured people after an accident or illness.
Swiss Paraplegic Centre
The Swiss Paraplegic Centre Nottwil is one of the leading centres for paraplegics, spinal injuries and diseases of the spine. The principle of a private specialized clinic is based on professional first care, holistic rehabilitation and a lifelong accompaniment of paraplegics.
Swiss Paraplegics Association
The Swiss Paraplegics Association is the national umbrella organization of paraplegics and associates with about 11000 members. As a self-help organization, it supports para- and quadriplegics throughout Switzerland.
Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
The Swiss Paraplegic Foundation was established in 1975 by Guido A. Zäch. It is an important reference organization for paraplegic people worldwide. The basis for its activities is the vision of a holistic rehabilitation of para- and quadriplegics with the objective of enabling the person with spinal cord injury to lead an autonomous life as far as this is possible.
SwiSCI Study Center
Christine Thyrian
Head SwiSCI Study Center
Research Assistants
Antoinette Berdot
Study coordinator at the Clinique Romande de Réadaptation in Sion